Engagement With Universal Design for Learning (Eng-Cat)

Ages: 6-18

Description of the practice

The Universal Design for Learning - UDL (in Catalan: Disseny Universal d'Aprenentatge -UDA) is a framework developed by CAST, an Understood founding partner connected to the University of Colorado. The UDL approach offers diverse input to give all students an equal opportunity to succeed. The UDL provides flexibility for the students to access material, personalise activities to engage, and how what they are learning. UDL can guide the unit plan or any design of the learning process to proactively meet the different needs of all learners.


  • Country: Spain

Example of Implementation


The Universal Design for Learning has been developed and updated regularly since 2006.
   - UDL-Homepage (ENG): Consult history, authors and guidelines.
   - Three examples of implementation in a classroom: Find more just Googling.
   - Teacher Training Material: Full course with instructions.

Different guiding lines and examples of implementation can be found on the DUA-CAST homepage, and in different countries. In Catalonia, the UDL approach is used at primary and secondary levels and university studies.

   - The Catalan example: Information, materials and examples (CAT)
   - The Blanquerna University experience: Training materials for Inclusion in Education (CAT)
   - Examples and resources for schools and educators (CAT)

Activity: Explore, negotiate and develop flexibility in education:

To know more: 

CAST (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2. Retrieved from http://udlguidelines.cast.org

Leinenbach, M. T., & Corey, M. L. (2004). Universal design for learning: Theory and practice. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 4919-4926). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
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