Several psychologists (such as Vigotsky and Schank) have provided the learning theories that underpin
a new agile educational mindset. To apply these theories practically in an agile classroom, some additional important pedagogical issues need to be considered:
1- Download the full article "
Educational Agility"
2-Read the article to identify the main concepts and theories, and try to find some practical examples and evidence of the following changes, in your own school:
Educational and social aim: inclusion, consciousness-raising, citizenship.
Communicative concept: holistic interaction in the digital age.
Psycho-educational theory: connectivism, social constructionism.
Teachers’ roles: facilitator, creator of opportunities.
Students’ roles: the protagonist of autonomous growth experiences.
Skills and competencies: International frameworks for micro/macro
skills for intrapersonal, interpersonal, and proactive development.
Methodologies: contextualised personalisation in hybrid environments
(human-machine interaction).
Space, time, and additional resources: meaningful tools, material
resources, and organisational strategies, needed to apply a specific
Assessment criteria: principles for establishing multi-level indicators
of success.
Dynamics of change: expectations for cognitive, social, and cultural
To know more:Kowalczuk-Walêdziak, M., Korzeniecka-Bondar, A., Danilewicz, W., & Lauwers, G. (Eds.). (2019).
Rethinking Teacher Education for the 21st Century: Trends, Challenges and New Directions (1st ed.). Verlag Barbara Budrich.