Creating an Inclusive eLearning Space

Ages: 16-99

Description of the practice

This is an activity to provide guidelines for authorization at inclusive videoconferences in education. It includes models and examples for students in English, Catalan and Spanish to create an inclusive learning space at videoconferences.


  • Country: Spain

Example of Implementation

This activity is oriented to encourage schools, headmasters and teachers to debate with adult students about privacy, personal data and local legislation with regards to data protection.

State Schools of Languages in Catalonia (Escoles Oficials d'Idiomes, EOIs) were concerned during the pandemic for privacy issues, students’ dignity and adult students' engagement in their own educational journey. These materials can help them to follow the European law regarding data protection, and to create a more inclusive community of learners when working remotely or in videoconferences.

Catalan Guide. Guia per educadors: Protecció de dades
Personal Data Protection at School. La protecció de dades personals als centres educatius
Data Privacy in Catalan Legislation. Legislació catalana de protecció de dades.


Compliance with GDPR: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union law that requires organizations to obtain explicit consent before collecting or processing personal data. 
Engaging students in their own privacy: Without obtaining explicit consent, institutions run the risk of non-compliance, which can lead to hefty fines and legal repercussions.
Respect for Personal Autonomy: Ethically, obtaining explicit consent is a recognition and respect for individuals


Student participation in decision-making is crucial for inclusion in education because it allows for the representation of diverse voices and perspectives, ensuring that the needs of all students are acknowledged and addressed. 
By involving students in the decision-making process, we are also fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment, which are key components for their active engagement and success in the educational journey.


ENGLISH: Explicit Consent in Videoconferences for Students
CATALAN: Consentiment explicit en videoconferències per estudiants
SPANISH: Consentimiento explícito en videoconferencias para estudiantes

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