The Spiral of Inquiry (EN) - L'Espiral d'Indagació (CAT)

Ages: 12-99

Description of the practice

The spiral of inquiry is a process which involves encouraging learners to engage in activities or situations that address tangible learner-related challenges. Developed by researchers Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser, the (Canada), The Spiral of Inquiry is a field-tested way to spark professional curiosity and inspire informed action, by asking teachers three big questions: a) What is going on for our learners? b) How do we know? c) Why does it matter? Explore and enjoy!


  • Country: Spain

Example of Implementation

The Spiral of Inquiry has been implemented in several countries, and it is currently being applied in Canada, Catalonia, Australia, New Zealand,  and several European Countries.
  A Catalan example:  La Xarxa d'Escola Nova 21.

The Spiral Playbook andThe Spiral Playbook Quick Reference Guideare useful tools to start applying the six main steps of this approach:
• Scanning
• Focusing
• Developing a hunch
• Engaging in new professional learning
• Taking new action
• Checking that a big enough difference has been made,
and then re-engaging to consider what is next.

Permission is granted to reproduce all or part of these publications for non-commercial purposes, as long as you cite the following source.
Kaser, L. and J. Halbert. 2017. The Spiral Playbook: Leading with an inquiring mindset in school systems and schools. C21 Canada.
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